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AMAN stands for the human rights of Australian Muslims.

We do it by using the law, but we also use research, media, and discussion with Government and Parliament.

Legal Advocacy

Law Testing and Legal Cases: AMAN evaluates the effectiveness of existing laws by engaging in strategic litigation. This approach helps identify areas where laws may need strengthening or reform to better protect the rights of the Muslim community.

Policy Development

Process Testing and Victim Support: We analyze processes victims go through when reporting hate crimes and discrimination, using these insights to advocate for systemic changes that enhance support and justice for victims.

Online Hate Regulation

Combatting Online Hate Speech: AMAN works to mitigate anti-Muslim hate speech on digital platforms by proposing regulatory changes grounded in human rights.

We engage with international bodies like the Christchurch Call Advisory Network and the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism to influence global policies.

Anti-Discrimination Initiatives

Hate Crime Legislation: Stories are powerful to AMAN because stories help to convince those in power that changes are needed. We collaborate with partners like the Islamophobia Register Australia to gather and share impactful stories that underscore the need for robust hate crime laws, ensuring justice and protection for victims of hate crimes.

Counter-Terrorism Law Reform

Fairness in Counter-Terrorism: We’re working to reduce discrimination that comes about because of Australia’s counterterrorism laws.

We strive to eliminate discrimination stemming from national counterterrorism laws, ensuring that all threats are treated equally without double standards in justice, and advocating for fair media and police practices.

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Our Achievements

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Conducted investigations on online hate.

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Legally challenged social media platforms, and worked with legal and human rights bodies against anti-Muslim sentiment and far-right extremism.

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Collaborated with organizations for policy influence on online safety and hate crime laws.

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Advocated in Parliament against Islamophobic hatred, and consistently voiced concerns for Australian Muslims’ well-being.

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Teamed up with researchers to publish evidence for policy change.

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Objected to entry of anti-Muslim speakers.

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Made submissions on religious freedom.

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Facilitated joint community statements on relevant laws in Parliament.