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Our Submissions

View AMAN’s submission as we advocate for change.

AMAN’s submission to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee into the Senate Inquiry into Far-Right Extremism Movements in Australia, 5th July 2024. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee into the Inquiry into Criminal Code Amendment (Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes) Bill 2024, 4th July 2024. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the Online Safety, Media and Platforms Division Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts on the Statutory Review of the Online Safety Act 2021, 18th June 2024. Download it here.

AMAN and Alliance Against Islamophobia Incorporated’s joint submission to the National Classifications Board regarding the Reforms to National Classification Scheme, 30th May 2024. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the Meta Oversight Board regarding Posts that Include “From the River to the Sea”, 23rd May 2024. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission into the Review of State’s Laws on Threats and Incitement to Violence, 19th April 2024. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission into the NSW Law Reform Commission Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), 29th September 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the Attorney General into the “religiously motivated terrorism label”, The Australian Government regarding the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), 15th September 2023. Download it here.

Joint Statement made by legal representatives of AMAN, ANIC, AFIC and Muslim Legal Network NSW, invited to appear at the PJCIS Inquiry on the Counterterrorism legislation (Prohibited Hate Symbols) Bill 2023 on 1 September 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security. Inquiry in the Counterterrorism legislation (Prohibited Hate Symbols) Bill 2023. 21 July 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights. Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework. Appearance at inquiry on 15 August 2023 is here. Download the written submission here.

AMAN’s Submission to Call for contributions: Draft General Recommendation n°37 on Racial discrimination in the enjoyment of the right to health. 4 August 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security in their Review of Post-Sentence Terrorism Orders: Division 105A of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). 23 June 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on the Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2023 [Opposition Bill introduced by Senator Cash]. 18 April 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the Australian Communication and Media Authority on their proposed Framework for Measuring Media Diversity. 17 March 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission on Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws: Consultation Paper (2023). 3 March 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the Senate Economics Reference Committee on their Inquiry into the Influence of International Digital Platforms. 28 February 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security in their Review of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and Other Legislation Amendments (Modernisation) Bill 2022. 18 February 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security on the Review of the 2022 relisting of four
organisations as terrorist organisations under the Criminal Code
: Islamic State Sinai Province; Islamic State in Libya; al-Qa’ida in the Indian Subcontinent; and al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula. 27 January 2023. Download it here.

AMAN’s response to the Digi Discussion Paper on the Australian Code of Practice on Misinformation and Disinformation, July 2022. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission to The Australian Human Rights Commission concept paper on a National Anti-Racism Framework, 4 February 2022. Download it here.

AMAN’s submission on the Religious Discrimination Bill, to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Australian Parliament, January 2022. Download it here.

AMAN’s testimony to the Select Committee conducting an Inquiry into Social Media and Online Safety, Australian Parliament, December 2021. AMAN’s written submission here.

AMAN and ICQ made a comprehensive law reform submission to the Hate Crimes and Serious Vilification Inquiry held by the Queensland Parliament. 12 July 2021. Download it here.

AMAN co-authored a paper with University of Queensland researchers that was published by the Global Internet forum to Counter Terrorism, proposing a concept for a transparent algorithmic model to identify terrorist and violent extremist actors. 4 August 2021. Download it here.

AMAN responded to the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) Request for Proposals on Expanding their Taxonomy (classification system) for terrorist and violent content. 16 March 2021. Download it here.

AMAN made a Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security Inquiry into and report on matters relating to extremist movements and radicalism in Australia. 12 February 2021. See it here.

AMAN made a submission to the Australian Government consultation on the Online Safety Bill (Exposure Draft). 14 February 2021. Download it here.

AMAN provided written input to the Report on Anti-Muslim Hatred and Discrimination by the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief on 30 November 2020. Download it here.

AMAN made a submission to Digi on the proposed Draft Code of Practice on Disinformation, a voluntary code to self-regulate the tech industry on 24 November 2020, with a focus on the harmful impacts of anti-Islam conspiracy theories and their connection to right wing extremism. Download it here.

AMAN made a submission to the NSW Senate Select Joint Committee into the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms) Bill 2020 on 21 August 2020. Download it here.

AMAN made a submission to the Australian Parliament’s Senate Select Committee Inquiry into Foreign Interference on Social Media on 17 July 2020. It includes some discussion on how Australia’s federal criminal law in relation to harmful online conduct could be strengthened. It can be found here.

AMAN made a short submission to the Australian Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade with regard to their Inquiry into Targeted Sanctions to Address Human Rights Abuses. AMAN supported the Islamic Council of Victoria’s submission. 28 April 2020. Submission will be uploaded here.

AMAN contributed significantly to the Australian Hate Crime Network’s (AHCN) submission to Australian Government’s Consultations on a proposed Online Safety Act. The AHCN represents 80 member experts and organisations around Australia in the field of hate crime prevention. This submission proposed how Australia’s legal framework could be extended to respond to the harm of online hatred against whole groups. February 2020. Download our Submission to the Australian Government’s
Consultations on a new Online Safety Act

In this Joint Submission to the Australian Government on the Second Exposure Draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill, 160 organisations who are active in the Australian Muslim community united behind a common call for a civil remedy in the proposed Bill, introducing new evidence. A summary of recommendations outlines what steps we think the Australian Government must take to protect Australia from the evil that befell Christchurch. January 2020

In this Joint Submission to the Australian Government on the First Exposure Draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill, 150 organisations who are active in the Australian Muslim community united behind a common call for a civil remedy in the proposed Bill (2 October 2019).

AMAN made a short submission to the Australian Senate’s inquiry into Nationhood, as an opportunity to secure a place for Muslim bodies to represent their concerns. Download it here.

The Australian National Imams Council, Muslim Legal Network of NSW, Islamophobia Register Australia and AMAN collaborated on this submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission.

It summarises the dangers posed by incitement to hatred and violence on the Australian Muslim community, through vilification directed at individuals and the community as a whole. Download the Joint Submission here.