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AMAN’s Harm Prevention Fund

Help support our Advocacy efforts by making a Tax Deductible Donation to the AMAN’s Harm Prevention Fund. Your donation aims to provide effective change to the Muslim community.

With our Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, such financial support will make a real impact.

You can also choose to donate via Bank Transfer using the account details below:
Name: AMAN Foundation Harm Prevention Fund
BSB: 064-162
Acc: 1180 6513


AMAN Foundation Ltd is a registered Harm Prevention Charity with tax deductible (DGR) status.

Its aim is to prevent physical and psychological harm to the Australian Muslim Community arising from Islamophobia and racism, whether it comes from the media, social media, politics, policies and laws, or from within the community.

With our Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, such financial support will make a real impact.

To donate via Bank Deposit:
Name: AMAN Foundation Harm Prevention Fund
BSB: 064-162
Acc: 1180 6513


AMAN Foundation LTD Donation Policy

Any allocation of funds or property to other persons or organisations will be made in accordance with the established purposes of the AMAN Foundation Ltd and not be influenced by the preference of the donor. AMAN Foundation Ltd will not pass a donation of money or property to other organisations, bodies or persons as a condition of a donation.