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Premier Berejiklian, Don’t Deny Much Needed Protection!

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The Australian Muslim Advocacy Network (AMAN) urges Premier Gladys Berejiklian to not delay legislating urgently needed protections against discrimination and vilification. The NSW Government has delivered its response to the Religious Freedom Bill inquiry.

While the Berejiklian Government committed to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) (ADA) to prohibit discrimination on the ground of religious belief or activity, it would delay legislating until after Religious Discrimination Bil 2019 (Cth) passed through the Federal Parliament.

There is no guarantee or timeframe for this. Already 3 years have passed since the Expert Panel Report: Religious Freedoms Review recommended this change. The change would be simple, but the debilitating harm it will reduce is widespread. Muslim children, students, workers and communities are discriminated against with impunity in NSW. Discrimination, without any form of recourse, is devastating and can destroy careers and lives.

Acting swiftly is clearly in the public interest. Despite being one of the most targeted communities, Muslims living in NSW have absolutely no recourse, unlike Jews, Sikhs and other racial minorities experiencing racism.