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About Us

The Australian Muslim Advocacy Network (AMAN) is a national advocacy organisation that upholds human and civil rights, religious freedoms, justice, and peace.

Our approach is shaped by Islamic values and the freedoms of democracy, emphasising the sanctity of life and freedom of religion. We utilise political processes and media engagement to protect and empower.

We do it by using the law, but we also use research, media, and discussion with Government and Parliament. Sometimes, AMAN will test existing laws to see how effective they are. This can involve running legal cases.

AMAN can also test different processes to see what victims experience when they report. We use all this information to make arguments about what needs to change.

Australian Muslims are a very diverse people… even though there is a narrative that we are all the same. There are some issues that affect us all.

Australian Muslim people, like all people, need security and sense of belonging, and space to express who they are safe. Our organisation exists to build key relationships, problem-solve on better protections, and work towards changing the narrative.

Our approach is centered on proactively preventing harm and safeguarding the welfare of the entire Muslim community.